Entrepreneurship is not a sprint
but a marathon
Combining fashion and sustainability?
Yes, it is possible!
Buying an Orta creation is not just about buying an incredibly perfect fashion item (in all objectivity), it's much more than that! Behind each of our creations are several values that we want to share with you. Working in a highly polluting industry is not inevitable and at Orta, we do everything we can to offer you quality pieces, created in a responsible and environmentally friendly way.
More than just values
But Orta is not only these 4 values, it is above all a humane company. We work hand in hand on a daily basis, always challenging ourselves to evolve and improve.
Entrepreneurs at heart, we know how to take risks to make our dreams come true. Sharing, bouncing back and learning from our mistakes are important values to us.
Fashion with meaning
When choosing our suppliers, price is not the main criterion. We take into account the quality, the know-how, the reliability but above all the working environment and the humane aspect of each of them.
Come, we'll take you for a ride